No Coração Dela (2024)
Live Performance
60 mins

5-8th December 2024
Sophiensæle, Berlin

When our heart breaks, how many parts does it split into? Do we then share the pieces of our hearts with others without realizing it? Are love, sharing, and heartbreak separated from each other, or are they linked together?

no c o r a ç ã o dela explores heartbreak, romance and its cheesiness, and the process of mending a broken heart. The project delves into how these individual feelings are profoundly collective experiences that defy quantification. Rather than isolating heartache as a private, internalised experience, no c o r a ç ã o dela investigates how these emotions connect us: how we impact those around us and how they influence us. How do our hearts transform through love and loss? How do emotional fractures create new connections, forming a collective map of our experiences?

The artistic team uses dance, music, and storytelling to convey this collective journey of the heart. This goes from call and response, a freestyle dance floor practice brought in by Myriam Lucas and DJs Vanyfox and Shaka Lion, through okcandice’s writing on grief and Filipa Rocha Nunes’ field research on public policies and poetics, to the visual archive of the project by Rafaela Nato. The musicians, writers, and dancers merge their individual experiences of heartbreak with their artistic practices, creating a shared narrative of romance and loss. It abandons a vision of romance only meant for two, looking for a collective one, ready to embrace and address feelings of heartbreak and longing.

no c o r a ç ã o dela

A production by Marga Alfeirão in co-production with Sophiensæle and Kampnagel Hamburg. Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. Supported by Teatro Municipal do Porto – Festival DDD, Impulstanz. Media partners: Missy Magazine, Siegessäule, taz.

Dedicated to Cristina, my grandma ~ Marga Alfeirão

Images by Rafaela Neto


Concept, Choreography & Performance
Marga Alfeirão

Myriam Lucas, Marga Alfeirão

Choreography & Dance Development
Mariana Benenge, Myriam Lucas & Marga Alfeirão

Dramaturg, Text & Spoken Word
okcandice, Filipa da Rocha Nunes, Duygu Agal

Music Production & Mixing
Vanyfox, Shaka Lion & Nidia

Isabelle Edi

Francisca Spuzi

Light Design
Thais Nepomuceno Veiga

Documentation & Visual Communication
Rafaela Neto

Production Advisor & Support
Tiphaine Carrère, Tammo Walter & neon lobster

Distribution & Accompaniment
neon lobster - Giulia Messia & Katharina Wallisch

Mateusz Szymanówka and SLIC unit