MInutes on the Last Sermon (2021)
60 mins

Passage Exhibition 
8 January 2021
Hosted by PlusX and Portals
Cashmere Radio, Berlin

Passage exhibition is an auditive exhibition format that explores the liminal space of the broadcast as an environment for art. Minutes on the Last Sermon is an audio-piece by okcandice exploring the impact of oratorical traditions within the church on queer, contemporary performance spaces. The project features spoken word, gospel music, and archival footage. It is dedicated to the late J P Nembhard.

Astrit Ismaili 
Candice Nembhard (okcandice)
OMSK Social Club & Alexander Lezzi
Lensbased Class
Isabel Lewis

Nikolas Brummer & Franziska Liza König (PlusX)
Sarah Johanna Theurer (Portals)

Fred Heinsohn

Valentin Brummer

There’s a Brown Girl at Boddinstraße (2021)


Ping Pong Europa: Li-Be Luftbrücke #5 (digitalEuropafeiertag)
Literaturhaus Berlin 
5 May 2021

An extract from Minutes on the Last Sermon was interpolated for an audio-visual project comissioned by Literaturhaus Berlin as part of a group exhibition Ping Pong Europa; exploring Europe’s geographic locations through text and moving image. An accompanying zine produced by Lilly Urbat can be read here in full with select pages below.

Dmitrij Gawrisch, Annett Gröschner, Sandra Gugić, Marina Naprushkina, Candice Nembhard (okcandice), Jô Osbórnia, Lilly Urbat

Lena Vöcklinghaus & Lara Sielmann