Text / Live Writing
20 mins

Berlin – Lagos: On Exchange, Mobility and Heritage
Gallery Wedding (Berlin)
16 - 22 November 2018

was written, produced and recorded live by okcandice at Gallery Wedding as part of Jumoke Adeyanju’s Berlin-Lagos residency. 

Jumoke Adeyanju developed the concept of {{{thirdspace(d)out}}} as a one-day, multimedia performance series during her stay in Lagos. She combines live painting (Thomias Radin), live writing (Candice Nembhard), music (Jack Mensah) and dance (Thomias Radin & Jumoke Adeyanju) to explore the many stages and dimensions of diasporic nostalgia, postcolonial transformative healing and resurrection of lost memories.

{{{thirdspace(d)out}}} includes recorded interviews and a soundscape that explore liminality, the in-between, of reciprocal memories. Adeyanju goes beyond African identity markers and focuses on African and Caribbean diaspora in the world.

Berlin - Lagos is a residency programme for young artists and curators from Berlin and Lagos initiated by the Goethe-Institut Lagos in cooperation with the Department for Art and Culture Berlin-Mitte, Galerie Wedding – Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst, ZK/U – Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik, SAVVY Contemporary and Arthouse Foundation Lagos.

With kind support of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe and the Funds »Ausstellungsvergütungen«.

Gallery Wedding

Jumoke Adeyanju
Natalia Orendain del Castillo
Ojudun Taiwo Jacob

Thomias Radin
Candice Nembhard (okcandice)
Jack Mensah

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